Pasta Bolognese is primarily something Erik makes during autumn when the root vegetables are in season and the temperatures start to drop. Then it is nice to have a warm and hearty meal that coincidentally shares the colours of autumn. But even now when the weather seems unable to decide which season we are in it can be a nice and warming dish.
3 carrots, grated
1 parsnip, diced
1 fennel, sliced
400g of mushrooms, after season, sliced
3 shallots and 3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
Red wine
500g of crushed tomatoes
1kg of minced beef
Beef fond
Juniper berries, to taste, crushed
Rosemary, thyme, and basil to taste, ground

1. Prepare all the vegetables, Start by frying the mushrooms in a dry pan to get the moisture out of them. Then add the ground herbs and crushed juniper berries, butter, and black pepper.
2. Add the shallots, garlic, fennel, parsnip, and carrots and fry for a few minutes.
3. Add the minced beef and brown it. Then add the red wine and salt. Add more pepper if needed and the beef fond. When you are satisfied with the taste add the crushed tomatoes and let simmer until the parsnip and fennel are fully cooked.
4. Serve with freshly grated parmesan cheese and some freshly ground black pepper over spaghetti