Now it is the time when the fragrant lilac flowers are blooming and decorating the landscape. Did you know that the lilac flowers are edible? You can collect the flowers and make this beautiful lilac syrup or use the flowers otherwise in baking or as decoration in drinks and baked goods. The taste of the syrup is subtle, floral and elegant. I find the syrup to be an excellent combination with different kinds of beverages as well.

1,5 dl water
2 dl sugar
3 dl of lilac florets
2 tsp of lemon juice
A few blueberries for colour (around 10 blueberries for a pinkish colour)

- Rip the florets off and make sure to remove all the green parts.
- Quickly rinse the florets under cold water and set aside.
- Add sugar and water in a saucepan and boil until the sugar has melted. Add the florets, blueberries and lemon juice and let simmer for 10 to 15 minutes until the mixture thickens. I let the mixture simmer for 15 minutes.
- Let cool down and strain into a sterilized glass container. If you wait 3 to 4 hours before straining, you get a more floral flavor. This recipe makes around 1,5 dl of syrup.
The syrup lasts for about a week in the fridge.

- You can enjoy lilac syrup with pancakes and ice cream for example.
- Lilac syrup is a good addition to cocktails or make a lemonade by adding with lemon juice, lemon slices and sparkling water.
- You can freeze the syrup as well into ice cubes for later use.
- Make pretty ice cubes by adding the flowers to the ice cube tray
- Any flowers you have left over can be frozen for later use. Just rinse the flowers, dry them, and place in a freezer bag.
- Mix with sparkling wine for a gorgeous summer cocktail